Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I'm Alive But Not Really Back

I know it's been almost a month since my last post, and I apologize. But before anyone gets excited (yeah, right, like my posting or not really has that big an impact on your daily lives - it does right?), I'm not really back just yet, but I'll get to that in a minute.

First, why the long delay in posts. Simply put, I've been too damn busy in the last month. I was finishing up course work - not just for the semester, but forever! That's right, I am finally done with the course work for my PhD! Naturally, however, that meant that I've been incredibly busy during the day the last month or so. During that time, I've also been looking and applying for jobs. Now that my course work is done, it's time to get a real job. I've had some interesting leads, but nothing has panned out yet. It will, but job hunting is just a huge pain the ass. In addition to finishing course work and applying for jobs, I've been doing what I can to help with something of far greater importance - Journey's and my wedding! We're down the last few days (weddings on Saturday) and we've been scrambling to get the final details in place.

Which brings to why I'm not really back yet. As you might suspect, I'll be kind of busy the next few days with wedding stuff and then Journey and I are heading off on our honeymoon pretty much immediately (well, the next morning actually, but you understand). We're going on the Alaska cruise, with a few days in Vancouver and a few days in Anchorage on either end. Even if I were to have internet access, sorry folks but posting on here would be a very low priority!

So, hope things are well out there in the blogosphere, and I'll try to start posting more when we get back!

One more quick thing - I came across this earlier this morning and found too funny to not pass on!