Tuesday, July 18, 2006

HA! How do you like it?!?

Finally, the rest of the nation knows something of what we deal with every summer here in Arizona! While most of the rest of the country is in the grips of a "deadly heat wave" (that's how CNN.com phased it), we here in Arizona are asking, "What's the big fucking deal?" Yes, it's hot. So what? So New York is supposed to be 100 today. Phoenix had it's first 100 degree day back on February 26th! People are talking like this will cause the collapse of civilization and that it's "not fit for human beings" (CNN again). Get over it. Yes, I know there is this thing called "humidity" which other parts of the nation have to deal with. And if I understand it right, this so-called "humidity" makes it more uncomfortable. Good! You're going have to put up with "deadly heat" for what, maybe a week? Our heat last for months! (I'm clearly taking a certain amount of malicious glee in all of this, aren't I?) Just wait until you walk outside in the morning and think, "boy, it's a little cool this morning," only to realize that it's already above 80. Then you can complain about the heat!

And just so people don't think I'm completely indifferent to the fact that people have died because of this heat, I want to make it clear that I'm not. It is sad. BUT! Arizona had 51 heat related deaths last year. So, to the rest of the country, you're nothing special. Just deal with it and quit whining!

UPDATE: Wednesday, July 19, 2006
CNN now reports that heat deaths are up to a total of 12 people across the country. When I first wrote this, there were only three.


Anonymous said...

A friend of mine from Utah said they were going to hit triple digits last weekend...for the first time this year! 100? That's nothing!

BTW, thanks for the co-link - I enjoy your stuff!

Journey said...

I find the news of heat-related deaths in other parts of the country very frustrating. Some part of me always wants to send them a class of third graders as good-will ambassadors to teach them how not to die when it gets hot.

Having lived in Boston, I'm familiar with those days of 95 degrees and 95% humidity. And the same strategies for not-dying apply. But for some reason, they're not taught in other parts of the country. Go figure.